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Faculty Resources: Persistent Links to Articles/eBooks

Proxy Prefixes

PC -

Persistent Links: General Instructions

The following instructions show you how to link to full-text articles from Library databases to create dynamic reading lists for your students.


There are two key components for creating persistent links for remote access to articles, eBooks, and databases:


  1. The proxy URL/address prefix.
  2. The database’s persistent URL. The persistent URL is known by many different names, depending on the database: permalink, bookmark, document URL, etc.

For example, using the proxy prefix for Phoenix College, we put the two components together as follows:

Persistent Links: eBooks

ebrary is a collection of ebooks, electronic versions of printed books on all different topics.  You can create links to ebrary content to accompany a specific course or for quick access to a favorite ebook.  This feature is available either on or off campus.

To integrate ebrary content within a course:

  1. Go to the ebrary website for your college.

  2. Search for a specific book or topic.  Once you find the book, go to the top of your browser and copy the entire URL to your favorite text editor (Word, Notepad, WordPerfect, etc.).  All ebrary URLs are standalone (meaning you can copy and past the link into a new browser and achieve the same result). If you want to point to a particular chapter in the book, select that chapter and then copy the entire URL.
  3. Copy the URL you saved in Step 2 and include the link in any of your online content pages. Be sure to include the proxy address for your college library at the beginning of the URL:  http://proxyaddress/login?url=   

This ensures that students from off-campus can view the book. 

Persistent Links: Articles

EBSCOhost Instructions for:


    • Academic Search Premier (All Disciplines)
    • CINAHL Plus with Full-Text
    • Health Source - Consumer Edition
    • Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition
    • History Reference Center
    • MasterFILE Premier
    • PsycARTICLES

  1. From a search results page, click on the hyperlinked TITLE of an article. 

  2. Citation information is displayed and the persistent link to this record is provided under Tools > Permalink. 

  3. Click on Permalink.

  4. Copy the link. 

  5. Enter the library proxy address (see the list above) followed by the URL you copied in the previous step. 

    This ensures that students working from off-campus can view the article.

Using Phoenix College as our example, the URL for the persistent link to this article is:



Gale Instructions for:


·         Academic OneFile & General OneFile

·         Gale Virtual Reference Library

·         Literature Resource Center


1.    From a search results page, click on the hyperlinked TITLE of an article.

In the Tools box, you will see a link to “Bookmark this Document.” 

2.    Click on the “Bookmark this Document” or the “Bookmark” link.  A new window will open with the URL to use in your document.

3.    Copy the link.

4.    Enter the library proxy address (see the list above) followed by the URL you copied in the previous step.  This ensures that students working from off-campus can view the article.



The URL for the persistent link to this article is:





ProQuest Instructions for:


  • AZ Republic
  • Ethnic NewsWatch
  • National Newspapers Core


Persistent links in ProQuest databases are called Document URLs.


  1. From a search results page, select the Citation/Abstract link for an article.  Alternatively, select the  hyperlinked TITLE

  1. Citation information along with the abstract is displayed.  Scroll down to the indexing information.  The “Document URL” is provided. 
  2. Copy this link. 


The URL for the persistent link to this article is:



Instructions for Linking to Articles with DOIs:


  • ScienceDirect

1.    From a search results page, click on the hyperlinked TITLE of an article. 

2.    The doi (digital object identifier) appears above the article citation.

3.    Copy the doi.

4.    Enter the library proxy address (see list above) followed by the URL you copied from the previous step.   NOTE:  The DOI site is automatically included in the link you copied.



The URL for the persistent link to this article is:

Links are usually persistent, but NOT necessarily permanent.  Links may become non-functional after a certain period of time, but usually they last at least one semester.


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