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There are a variety of activities, practices, and habits that can help you incorporate mindfulness into your daily work and life. Choosing a habit or activity that feels right to you can help you develop a long term and consistent mindfulness practice. In this guide, you can find resources and examples of different ways to make mindfulness a part of your life.
Adult coloring books have become quite a trend in recent years. There is evidence that this activity may reduce stress and improve mindfulness.
Czerwinski, N., Egan, H., Cook, A. et al. Teachers and Mindful Colouring to Tackle Burnout and Increase Mindfulness, Resiliency and Wellbeing. Contemp School Psychol 25, 535–545 (2021).
Image by Kaylin Art from Pixabay
Some research has shown that breath work and meditation can be effective for coping with stress and improving focus.
Ma, Xiao, et al. "The Effect of Diaphragmatic Breathing on Attention, Negative Affect and Stress in Healthy Adults." Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 8, 2017, pp. 874-874.
Using mantras in meditation may have positive mindfulness effects. Below you can find examples of calming images and mantras. You are free to print these out or be inspired to create your own.