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Before you begin, see what you know - click on the image to access and complete a mini assessment.
Selecting A Topic - Use the link to REVIEW each of the following AREAS: Ideas, Scope, Time & Clarity
Focusing A Topic - Use the link to REVIEW techniques to narrow and broaden a topic
Language is a virus . . . William S. Burroughs
The Writing Process - Resources:
Simple Steps in the Writing Process:
1. Create a TIMELINE to complete your paper. (Review Selecting A Topic TIME)
2. What are 3 questions to consider about your topic? (Review Selecting A Topic CLARITY)
3. What are 2 narrower/related topics and 2 broader/related topics? (Review Focusing A Topic)
4. What type(s) of information do you think you'll need and why? (example: current news, historical background, etc.)
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